15 Search Engines With Privacy — Google Alternative

Peter Devadoss
3 min readDec 20, 2020


When you talk about search engines, we can’t leave without mentioning Google. This article intends to highlight the privacy issues with Google. Also, I am going to introduce you to the best search engines with privacy that are alternative search engines to Google.

It accounts for 76% and 86% of desktop and mobile search traffic, respectively. Google processes 2 trillion searches a year. Google can not achieve this without its tremendous search functionality that anyone can offer.

Indisputably Google is the best search engine that brings the best results for your queries and gives you a personalized experience. However, Google fails miserably in the case of privacy. Google might be the worst search engine when you care about your privacy.

Not only Google, Oher popular search engines like Bing and Yahoo also fall into the same category. Our searches are logged and stored by search engines. Google’s privacy policy confirmed all these actions by them.

Does Google care about privacy?

Google wants to give you customized and results based on user experience. It argues that without user data it is not possible to provide the rich results what the user expecting. Google always suggesting you use privacy settings to enable and disable what google can store and what not to store. This will protect you to some extent but not completely.

Search engine privacy concerns:

Privacy concerns from search engines can come in many forms, such as the ability to log search queries, browsing history, IP addresses, cookies, and user profile in general. Surely search engine privacy is a real concern for every one of us.

If search engines made us identifiable by our searches, our search history would be considered to be personal data. If so, what the search engines do to save our privacy? Are you bothered about you are being tracked? That’s why I come up with this article to list the search engines that protect your privacy.

Here I am listing 10 Search engines that do well with privacy. They do not need to be better than Google and other top search engines. This article focuses only on the privacy feature of the search engine.

Common features of privacy friendly search engines:

  • Doesn’t save your search histories
  • Personal information is not shared with third-parties
  • Includes a detailed, transparent privacy policy
  • Their advertisements are not targeted at you instead based on the search you do at that session. So there is nothing that could generate a profile of you in any manner — thereby respecting your privacy.
  • does not save your search logs and does not save your IP addresses. It does not track you either.
  • This search engine stores neither your IP address nor your identity information. You can also get away from cookies and avoid advertisements and geo-targeting.

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